Excitement and cheers fill the air as Kim raises a wine glass in a gracious toast to the Russian president.
Putin smiles, laughs, and raises his own glass. He says, "Somebody pinch me... this can't be real... I have been concerned very much about how many men and munitions I have lost in Ukraine --"
"No need for concern!!" Kim says excitedly, slowing down so his English can be understood. "This Harris / Walz campaign... is the best thing our nations could have ever asked for. Our cyber units are going to be all over this election. Xi has made that promise. We will have victory and Harris / Walz will have the Presidency... America will soon be ours."
Putin slows for a corner, then slams his foot down on the gas, putting both he and Kim back in their seats as more laughter and cheers fill the Aurus.
"They better secure that election," Putin says with cheerful sarcasm. More laughs erupt. Suddenly serious, Putin says, "We cannot allow a Donald Trump presidency."
"That must never happen," Kim replies, almost under his breath.
Putin says, "Be glad that the Democrats are working behind the scenes to turn those migrants into registered voters and financing LGBTQ influencers all over Tik Tok -- that's the kind of election interference that works in our favor."
"You can say that again," Kim says. "Hopefully they never trace any of that money back to us." He smiles, he laughs.
"Vladimir, thank you so much for this precious car," Kim adds abruptly, running his hand along its fine upholstery. "This car is -- how you say, 'badass', in American. I hope you like your statue... My best artists worked on that for several weeks. The people of North Korea stand with you and our Axis allies in our coming conquest of the West."
"The pieces are almost all in place," Putin says. "Finally... I was at the KGB when the Soviet Union fell. We all vowed that this would never be forgiven and one day we would do the same to them... The Statue of Liberty in pieces... Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
Laughter. Cheers. A speeding Aurus.
Putin downs his wine glass as he slows the limousine for another turn. He follows the street to a large looming statute of Kim Jong Un's father. They circle it, now driving back in the direction of Kim Jong Un's Ryongsong Residence.
"Your father would be proud," Putin says with a nod in the direction of the statue.
Kim laughs. He says suddenly, "Kamala's VP pick Tim Walz is The Walking Trans... Where did they find this guy -- a horror movie?... Putting tampons in little boys' bathrooms. What a great way to get these future young American soldiers asking questions about gender change. Harris and Walz will continue to destroy their military, all in the name of creating a Democratic Dynasty of future anti-Conservative voters. We need to keep pushing that narrative on their youth."
"They'll never see that day anyway," Putin says. "There will not be a Democratic Dynasty. We're going to make this Biblical -- for all of them."
Kim glances at Putin, not sure what to make of his words.
Putin says, "In our efforts to understand the power of the Conservatives we have had our intelligence teams studying their Bible. They always talk about God. Well it's given us some great ideas... Hell Fire and judgment is what we're going to rain down on America."
"I like that," Kim says. "Biblical, huh? We will be gods to them. We will transform their land. Our faces will glare over America from a new Mount Rushmore... They will worship us."
Putin laughs. "You are sick, Kim, very sick... But I like your style, my wicked Communist friend."
Putin's tone drops. He says, "Their Bible does have some very odd things to say in its last pages including the fiery destruction of a future nation called Mystery Babylon, described as the world's richest nation and the envy of the world... Elsewhere in those last pages world leaders will exchange gifts."
Kim glances at Putin.
"It really says that?" Kim asks.
"Yes, it does," replies Putin. "And look at us -- exchanging gifts."
"What else does it say?" Kim asks, suddenly nervous, trying not to show it.
"You'll have to read it," Putin replies. "When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, know that the desolation is near... Luke 21." He laughs and shouts, "REPENT, KIM, REPENT, AND BELIEVE... Look at Israel today -- surrounded by armies that want to destroy it."
"I can't be any where near that book," Kim says finally, eyes wide. "We imprison people for that. We have executed many people. That book is banned. My people would turn on me."
Putin replies, "Soon, very soon -- it will be banned everywhere. As we speak President Xi and the Chinese are rewriting the Bible. The Communist version will be what the world knows... and a different Jesus."
Kim says suddenly, "My people are all in place. The Kamala Harris unguarded borders have been more than we could ever ask for... Thank you, Democrats."
Putin says, "So are my people -- they're all in place. So are Xi's people. So are Iran's. So as our comrades from Cuba and Latin America. The Americans are not going to know what hit them. Smile, my friend. Laugh, my friend... Cheers."
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