How to Survive in the City, the Suburbs, and the Countryside Following A Catastrophic Disaster.
This article is from the SurviveAnyDisaster archives and likely originally published circa 2009 - 2012 (external links within this article to outside sources may no longer work)

Fishing Supplies for Emergency Survival Fishing

Survival Fishing to Feed Your Family Following a Disaster

Nuclear BlastUrban survivalHurricane Evacuation RouteFlash floodsWildfireEnd of Days

If you live in a community in the small towns and foothills of America, you're likely to have more rivers and lakes available to consider survival fishing, than others who live closer to the cities.

Even if you live in a major city, if you evacuate the area using a little known county road (refer to a detailed state map to find these county roads, which exist in just about every region of America), those county roads can take you through protected state lands where there may plentiful fishing opportunities and not a lot of people to compete with.

Most people who fish do so for recreation. Following a major disaster, the last thing people are going to be thinking about is recreational fishing!

At the same time, waters or fish that may have been off limits previously, are now open season -- if this is a catastrophic disaster we're talking about where you need to fish to survive an emergency!

The Basics of Survival Fishing

With the prospect of a major disaster striking the area you live, now is a good time to become familiar with the basics of survival fishing, and what kind of bait to use (most likely you'll have to find bait that is natural) if you don't have any.

One of the goals with this website is to provide information to help you survive any disaster. (We also get to tell a lot of people about God and his plan for the world at the same time -- and that the disasters that are taking place around the world and the larger disasters still to come are part of the 'last days' warnings given throughout the Bible -- are you finally ready to believe?)

Do You Have a Survival Plan if Disaster Strikes?

Anytime you're attempting to make a survival plan, always lead by prayer first and foremost, regardless of what got you to the point that you need a plan in the first place, a few things are absolutely needed.

One of these is food. If you're near water, or know how to make your way to a water source, that can mean fishing.

Of course, all water is not created equal. There's freshwater fishing and there's saltwater fishing.

Fishing Supplies for Beginners

Freshwater Fishing Equipment: The essentials

1. A fishing rod and reel.

2. Sinkers

3. Hooks (sizes 6-10)

4. Floats

5. Bait (live or artificial)

6. Fishing line (between 4 and 10 pound test)

Saltwater Fishing Equipment: The Essentials

1. Rod (a fly fishing basic rod will be between 8.5- 9 feet and will cost over $100 easy)

2. Reel (must be resistant to saltwater corrosion and will again cost over $100)

3. Saltwater Line

4. Leaders (long ones for shy fish, tough ones for the scarier variety)

5. Bait (live and/ or artificial)

Now remember, the purpose of telling you what fishing equipment to have is so you can go out and purchase it prior to a disaster. But let's just say that you don't and then that disaster hits.

Here are some considerations.

Fishing when you don't have the equipment

Well, the first course of action is to find something to lure the fish in. That's right: We're talking bait. Some of the more popular baits are earthworms, hotdogs, frogs, tadpoles, crayfish, insects, and kernel corn depending on the type of fish you're going for. Thus, these are things that may be available in your house or in the land around you. Simply put them on your hook and you've got a chance.

What if you don't have a fishing pole?

That's easy: Make one.

Well, actually it's not all that easy; but it is possible. Some things that you'll need are:

1. A pole (preferably made of bamboo or green wood)

2. A hook (think metal coat hanger)

3. Fishing line (the thinner and more powerful the string, the better)

There, of course, is more to it than that. Thus, if you want to learn more try either of the following links:

Make Your Own Fishing Gear

Make Your Own Bamboo Fishing Pole

Try it Survivor style

If you've ever seen the reality television show, Survivor, then you know that the contestants often spear their fish. This is possible, even if it won't be easy. Thus, if you have a knife and can shave a stick into a spear, that's also an option. A net could also help.

And finally, you'll need something sharp to gut your fish with.


Bass Fishing: Tips for Beginners

Make Your Own Fishing Gear

Make Your Own Bamboo Fishing Pole

Wilderness Survival - Fishing Devices

Next Section: Hunting Supplies for Emergency Hunting, Trapping, and Snaring
Copyright © 2015, Survival information and recommended emergency supplies for the End of Days and catastrophic events and disasters.