How to Survive in the City, the Suburbs, and the Countryside Following A Catastrophic Disaster.
This article is from the SurviveAnyDisaster archives and likely originally published circa 2009 - 2012 (external links within this article to outside sources may no longer work)

Nuclear Firestorm: Prophecies from the Bible?

How to survive a major city set on fire by a nuclear attack

Nuclear BlastUrban survivalHurricane Evacuation RouteFlash floodsWildfireEnd of Days

What would happen if your region of the country suffered a nuclear attack? What if it happened today? What if this attack is out of the last chapter of the Bible, the Book of Revelation? How to evade and escape a burning city that has just been leveled by a nuclear weapon.

A blinding light, thundering, catastrophic explosion, and a mushroom cloud bellowing high into the sky.
Here's what you can expect following a nuclear detonation: Thousands of barefoot survivors trekking a "long trail of tears" into the countryside, smoke and ash rising up to the clouds behind them.

It might be New York. It might be D.C. It might be Los Angeles. It might be Chicago. It might be Seattle. It might be Atlanta. It might be Philadelphia. It might be Houston.

How to Avoid Being One of the First Casualties

If just one nuke was detonated, the initial blast would decimate just about everything in a downtown core. But as the blast moved out, so would it's power. I'm not going to get into numbers here because those numbers (distances and blast pressure) depend on the size of the nuke. A small nuclear suitcase weapon will have a lot less power than other nukes -- but what if a large nuke was used in one or more attacks?

If you live or work in a major city, even a few miles away from a nuclear strike, you may be one of the first ones killed in the initial blast -- but what if you don't have to die?

Run, Duck, and Cover

It's said that some of the first people to die will be people who notice a bright light outside, possibly hear the beginning of the explosion, and then will run to the nearest window to see what's going on -- that's when the blast wave will hit their building, and the glass explode inward, absolutely shredding people.

A split-second before the glass explodes they may even been blinded by the sheer white-brightness of the detonated nuke, due to light traveling faster than the blast wave.

Fact is, if you live or work in or near a major city, you are at somewhat of a risk of being present for a nuclear attack. Remember that. It's like a person who lives in a tornado zone or along a fault line at risk for a major earthquake. Don't be caught off-guard and not know what to do in response to an emergency.

If you notice a bright white light suddenly flood the room through the window, don't run for the window to look outside. Instead, seek cover deep in the interior of the building, or simply flee for the furthest side of the building, and duck down next to the bottom side of a far wall. Do this fast and on instinct.

If a blast wave hits your building, the windows and even the walls nearest to the blast may explode inward. Hopefully you're building is far enough away from the blast that the far side walls will survive, where you've taken shelter.

Barefoot in Brooklyn

Barefoot survivors? How could so many survivors of a nuclear attack end up barefoot?

As a nuclear blast levels a city, neighborhoods outside the reach of the blast's strongest destructive power may still be standing, but many would now be up in flames, people inside homes and apartments unhurt for the moment. But now they have to escape the fires.

Most people don't have a plan to seek shelter underground in the event of a nuclear attack, yet sealed, underground shelter is exactly what's advised by experts: Specifically a nuclear fallout room (discussed in depth in this and other articles on our site).

The nuclear fallout room protects from radioactive dust for the first few days following a blast. It's advised that survivors seek shelter immediately, and then tune-in to battery powered emergency radios for information on evacuations, as information is announced (well, that is, if your radio still works).

Many Believe that America is "Unsinkable"

But a large segment of America doesn't believe we actually face any threat. In their eyes, we are the "Titanic" -- the Titanic that has no clue what's it's fate is going to be. Many say the only threat we face is from our own government; that view I think is a bit short-sighted: America has too many enemies overseas.

This segment stands to be the most surprised and also the most terrified if a nuclear attack takes place on U.S. soil.

Survivors in the know will seek immediate shelter. Others will panic, running from homes now in flames, many not even grabbing the shoes from their porch, especially those having to flee off back decks and fire escapes and jump out windows to escape the raging fires all around the city.

And so expect to see a large number of survivors, shoe less, no food, no water, just the clothes on their back and the tears and terror streaking their face as they flee on foot into the countryside, following a long line of survivors making the trek ahead of them.

Those who can walk may have suffered minor injuries. But those with severe and catastrophic injuries, including burned, torched flesh and lost or crushed limbs, will likely be left to die.

Your city, your community, your preps may have gone up in flames as well.

And so a thousand mile walk begins. You have nothing.

Surviving a Firestorm

1) Shoes

The first thing you need is shoes. Imagine life without shoes. Imagine a long hike through a disaster area without shoes, stepping through glass, metal, debris and in some cases, sewage and dead bodies. If you had to flee your home in a hurry, and your shoes were downstairs by your front door, and your downstairs is now in flames, do you have an extra pair of shoes stashed away out back that you can get to in the event of a disaster?

Sure you could keep a pair of shoes in the trunk of your car, but what if your car has been destroyed as well? What if gas mains throughout the neighborhood are up in flames, and the streets are filled with burning and exploding vehicles, as gas tanks in cars and trucks catch fire?

What kind of shoes? Some black Nike high-tops that have traditional laces will do just fine. It's important that they lace up well -- you don't want your shoes to come untied if you have to make a run for it. (Tear off any white emblems, and these black shoes will help you stay hidden in the dark of the night, should your life ever be threatened.)

2) FRs (fire retardant coveralls)

A lot of people have never heard of FRs. In the oil industry, "fire-retardant" clothing is often mandatory in or near an oil well, as a safety precaution for workers in the rare event of a fire or explosion. A pair of FR coveralls might set you back a hundred bucks; get yourself an FR rated hood (for your head), goggles, and FR gloves while you're at it. This may be a good investment for a few million people who live in and around cities that are possible targets for a nuclear strike. Most people who live near ground-zero though are not likely to survive. Many will be incinerated, simply burned to dust or become charcoaled lumps. FRs won't do a thing to protect them. They were too close to the blast.

Most people live outside a downtown area though (assuming that "downtown" is where a nuclear weapon is detonated).

FRs may give you a survival advantage; they may protect you from burning fires, giving you more time to grab your family and escape from any flames burning around you. Keep your FRs with those spare shoes you keep by your back door or fire escape. FRs are no good if you can't get to them in a hurry.

Surviving Nuclear Fallout

3) Underground Shelter

Are there any emergency centers nearby you can evacuate to? Talk to your local Red Cross and possibly Fema and other disaster agencies. Find out where the nuclear fallout shelters are in your city, if there are any. How close are you?

4) Build a Fallout Shelter

Do you have the means to turn your basement into a sealed nuclear fallout shelter? If your home caught fire above ground, would your shelter be able to withstand the heat of the fire, as your home burned down around you? Do you have a way out of your shelter, should your home have collapsed on top of your entry door?

A backyard fallout shelter may be your best choice. You have a lot less risk of your home collapsing on top of you, depending on your distance from the blast. Be sure to keep your shelter stocked with food and water to last each member of your family 3 - 4 weeks, essential hygiene items (especially for women), and containers with screw on lids that can be used to dispose of human waste (urine, etc) in order to minimize or eliminate any smell. Board games, books, pens and blank paper can all be used in order to pass the time. Be sure to pack a Bible. Personally, I recommend you read Matthew 24, Ezekiel 38 and 39, and also the Book of Revelation in an attempt to explain to your perplexed and terrified family just what is now taking place in the world (Hint: it's called the "last days"; read about the "last days" here and how to escape the judgments of God on a world that refuses to believe).

Yes, I know some of our readers are not on that page yet. This is what I believe though.

Here are some other things I recommend in order to pass the time: Dumbbells and a stair-step as a way to exercise, as well as some heavy elastic bands to simulate resistance strength training. If self-defense is your thing, have some focus mitts for throwing strikes, and even a rubber knife and unloaded gun to school your children in self-defense. Go over your maps and plan two or more possible evacuation routes.

Discuss team work, dealing with gangs (by avoiding them), and dealing with militias (by also avoiding them) and any possible invading armies. Who knows what the world is going to be like when you emerge from your shelter in the coming days and weeks?

It won't be the same place your family knew so well before the blast.

The closer you live to a blast however, or depending on if you live in the path of prevailing winds that carry fallout, will factor in to how long you should stay underground.

If you're far from the blast and not in the direction of prevailing winds, you may only need to stay underground a couple days. But if you're nearer the blast (for example, within 10 - 15 miles), you may need to stay underground for at least two weeks. Keep those radios tuned in to news channels for reports on radiation levels (if reports are making it to the radio, that is).

As a precaution: Building a safe and suitable nuclear fallout shelter must meet certain conditions for guaranteed effectiveness. Refer to books and videos on the topic of fallout shelter building to survive a nuclear attack (it's too much detail to cover here.)

5) Evacuation

What if you don't have a fallout shelter? It doesn't hurt to pick up your heels and make a run for it. What else do you have to lose? You can cover 20 - 30 miles in a day by jogging and walking intermittently (if you're in relative shape for that kind of thing). If you're carrying supplies on your back, like a Bug Out Bag, expect to walk of course.

A) Radioactive dust is carried by the prevailing winds -- what direction do those winds typically blow? Plan an evacuation route that is perpendicular to the direction of the wind, so that you can get out of the direct path of any fallout.

B) Expect your thyroid to suffer first from radiation poisoning. In response, scientists have developed potassium iodide pills that can be taken immediately following a nuclear attack. These pills help protect people from developing an assortment of cancers from nuclear fallout.

C) Rig yourself a make-shift suit to help reduce your exposure to any radioactive fallout in the air. Thick, heavy duty garbage bags or tarp can be cut into strips; use duct tape to quickly build a protective suit around your body. You won't win a beauty contest but you will help reduce the amount of radiation you're exposed to.

D) A specialized respirator mask is also called for, to help protect your eyes and lungs. The air you breathe will be toxic, poisoned by radiation falling from the sky.

In fact, as you're evacuating, everything in the general area is going to become radioactive, as radiation settles. Get it in your head to evacuate and get as many miles away, within the earliest amount of time (if you can't get yourself into a shelter). The further away you get from the blast, and the further you travel out of the path of the prevailing winds, the greater you reduce the risk of being poisoned by radioactive fallout.

E.) Once in a safe zone, dispose of your contaminated suit and even the clothing you're wearing, by digging a hole and burying it far away from other people.

Surviving a Mass Evacuation

6) Self Defense

Horrified and panicked citizens, including a number of thugs (every city has them), won't know how to respond. If you're making your way on foot out of a city, and carrying a Bug Out Bag and even wearing a respirator mask, one or more people may run up on you and beat you for it, or take it from you at gun point. Some may attempt to even run up on you from behind and rip your respirator mask right off your head.

A) If you have a concealed weapons permit and are used to carrying a pistol and know how to shoot, you might as well keep your hand on your gun and ready to flash it at a moment's notice.

B) If guns aren't your thing, or you have kids and you're not comfortable arming them with pistols, give your children a highly rated pepper spray, and make sure they know how to use it.

C) Choose a proper holster that allows for quick access to your weapon of choice. Being quick to the draw isn't just something from the Wild West. Today's holsters allow for weapons to be hidden or worn openly, your choice. Choose one or more (if you're carrying a second gun as back-up) proven to work in a hurry.

7) Don't Lose Your Head

In the heat of chaos, keep a calm, cool perspective, as much as possible. It will allow you to think clearer and help yourself and others survive. Make wise decisions as to how and who you choose to interact with. In the days following a nuclear collapse of America, we are likely to see just how much evil our own people are capable of, as well as how much good in more than a a few.

8) Be Counted for Doing Good

And remember, if these attacks are from the last pages of the Bible, the Book of Revelation, you're going to want to be counted for doing good, in the end -- and doing it all in the name of Christ -- rather than counted for murder, lies, and evil. Just a fair warning.

You can scoff, you can write that off. But too much of the drama in the world today lines up with end times Bible prophecy, about the state of the world leading up to the days of God's judgments on the world, when all Hell breaks loose and terror, death, and destruction are let loose on the land. Again, it's what the Bible teaches.

A lot of Biblical prophecies about the end times are centered around the nation of Israel, which, coincidentally, 2,000 years later is at the center of many reports in world news today.

What are the odds of that? Do you comprehend this? Israel, God's chosen nation, is smack dab in the center of the conflict between the West and Islamic nations and even their allies today. Just as the Bible has foretold for the last few thousand years in various prophecies and at various time periods of the Bible.

Like it or not, those prophecies are in the Bible. Like it or not, Israel is at the center of much of today's conflict in the world, especially involving the world's major powers and threats.

According to the Bible, though, according to some of these same prophecies, Israel itself faces a terrible time in the last days. Remember, Israel, as a nation is a Jewish land. The Jews rejected Jesus, when he was born and walked among them.

But in the end, after it's all said and done, the Bible shows that Israel will finally know who the true "savior" is: Jesus, the one they crucified as a rebel and criminal; yet all he taught was good and how much the religious leaders were evil.


Surviving a Nuclear Disaster

Nuclear Attack Survival Guide

What about you? What do you believe? Does all this talk of Christ make you want to reach for a gun and take the lives of a few preachers and missionaries? Where does that anger come from anyway? Figure it out, before it's too late.

Want to know more? Read our section titled "The Last Days" at the top of our site. There's a way to survive and possibly even escape a series of disastrous events spelled out in the Book of Revelation.

Copyright © 2015, Survival information and recommended emergency supplies for the End of Days and catastrophic events and disasters.