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Survive Any Disaster - Conservative Satire News

Far Left Gets Fired, Marched Out of Government Buildings — Greeted By Smiling Protestors

Far Left Gets Fired, Marched Out of Government Buildings — Greeted By Smiling Protestors
by Kent Wilson | Political Satire, US News
JANUARY 21, 2025

Fox News: "Well, you don't see this everyday... In a strange twist — and maybe call it karma for these far left government agents who have just had their last day with the federal government — it looks like the Trump layoffs within the DOJ and FBI — along with multiple resignations — are having a head on collision with fate.

As you can see, thousands of staff members have just had their last day and are now all filing out of government buildings, no longer a job, no longer a badge — and no longer harassing and even arresting U.S. citizens for exercising what's supposed to be their right to free speech.

Out front, angry — but smiling — protestors stand in their way now... This is a sight to see... Over there, we have literally hundreds of members of the Aryan Brotherhood, a few holding protest signs, still highly pissed off at dozens of their members being arrested in a recent domestic terror raid that occurred in the days leading up to the election.

The Aryan Brotherhood, as many of you know, is a street gang / prison gang with most operating out of Los Angeles — they don't have any history of domestic terror. Just organized crime, drugs, and prostitution. 68 of their members were arrested in that FBI sting for domestic terrorism, though there were never any actual plots. Well, isn't that odd? The entire sting was a set up, it would seem — a charade to help continue the illusion of active domestic terror threats in order for the DOJ and FBI to prop themselves up and win points for the Biden-Harris Administration in the days leading up to the election.

Looking at the crowd of protestors, apparently the DOJ and the FBI has been doing this across the country.

As you can see now, there's two large protest signs being held high by several Aryan Brotherhood members. One sign reads, "NOT SO FAST" and the other reads, "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?"

Personally, I don't believe in karma — but I don't know what else to call this. Stay tuned — maybe we'll see an Aryan Brotherhood beat down any moment as jobless FBI agents, no longer with a badge, no longer with the protection of the government, try to make their way past these highly pissed off protestors.

To help antagonize the protestors, we've heard a few rumors of fake far left government agents hidden in with the actual fired government agents, who even now can be heard spouting hateful words and threats at the Aryan Brotherhood as they walk past.

Have we seen this before?

Yes... It's a page right out of January 6.

And it appears to be working... the protestors are really getting worked up.

Local law enforcement is on the scene, but conveniently don't seem to want to get involved — other than standing off to the side and waiving the fired far left government agents in the direction of the Aryan Brotherhood protesters.

Great job, boys... Great job.

Many of the officers, as you can see, are laughing and eating from bags of popcorn as they look on — cell phones out and cameras recording it all.

Several of the officers are wearing MAGA hats. Call it karma. Call it fate. Call it what you will.

This might be a good time for those fired government agents to have a "come to Jesus" moment. I bet a lot of these agents could sure use a pair of Depends undergarments right about now..."

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