Newsmax: "Does anybody else think that Gavin Newsom is acting more and more bizarre in recent days? I can't be the only one that sees this. In fact we have a body language expert here today - and he has some very alarming things to point out to all of us about the California governor. Welcome, Doctor Jude Apostleship."
Doctor Jude: "Thanks Greg and every body else there at Newsmax. You guys are all doing a lot of great reporting and I applaud you for being willing to discuss what's happening with Gavin Newsom. CNN, MSDNC -- they're clueless. They didn't see it with Biden's Weekend at Bernie's Presidency, and they're definitely not seeing it now with Gavin Newsom."
"Well, Doctor, maybe you can help us understand and make sense of it all. This is truly bizarre."
Doctor Jude: "Are you sitting down?"
Greg: "How bad is it?"
Doctor Jude: "Gavin Newsom... is possessed."
Greg: "Possessed?? (Nervous laughter). You mean like, by a demon?"
Doctor Jude: "Yes, it's very obvious. Notice how he slinks and worms and just how outlandish his arm and hand motions have gotten?"
Greg: "We have all seen that. It's going viral across social media."
Doctor Jude: "That is classic demonic possession."
Greg: "Or he's just doing a lot of coke off camera. Look at him. He can't stop moving. He's all coked up."
Doctor Jude: "He could be doing that as well. I'm sure he's got Hunter Biden on speed dial. Maybe that's why they're both spending so much time in China? But really, I really believe we are witnessing the manifestation of a demon. Did you see the photos and other videos? Gavin Newsom is never short of a gleeful smile, even while Los Angeles is on fire. His city is turning to ash and he's waiving his arms, trying to look like someone important."
Greg: "Can we report on this? You're the body language expert. This is all bizarre. Are there any prior news clips where we can find Gavin Newsom where he slinks and worms while talking to reporters?"
Doctor Jude: "He's a slippery politician, there's a lot we have seen from Gavin Newsom in recent years. How his voters didn't see it is somehow part of the spell he's casting over Democrats and donors across the state."
Greg: "Slippery politician? I bet I can look that up in the latest dictionary and there'd be a picture of a smiling Gavin Newsom with his arms around an elderly woman -- or maybe spanking a Chinese boy on a basketball court on that visit to China last year. What's wrong with this guy?"
Doctor Jude: "Everything - everything is wrong with this guy."
Greg: "So what do we do? Call an Exorcist?"
Doctor Jude: "I think this is the kind of demon Jesus would say can't be cast out. We're looking at something on a far different level."
Greg: "Play that clip again. Wow. Look at him shimmy, and slink, and worm. That smile. All that gel... What if we're actually looking at... Satan??"
Doctor Jude: "Somebody better call The Babylon Bee. The Democrats have apparently hi-jacked The Bee's Satan. Dressed him up and put him in a suit. Covered up those horns with all that hair and gel on Gavin Newsom's head."
Greg: "That makes sense! He's destroying California. He's been destroying California. Did you hear about that 3.5 magnitude earthquake off the coast of San Francisco yesterday? Is that something about to happen to San Francisco as well?"
Doctor Jude: "We shall see."
Greg: "Yes - yes we shall."