Pastor: Thanks for having me. These are exciting times we are living in right now.
Tucker: And scary times. Did you hear that Congressional testimony recently about the UAPS - and also the UFOS?
Pastor: I did.
Tucker: And what do you make of it?
Pastor: Well, as a Christian - as a Bible believing Christian - all eyes are on Israel right now. In the Bible, Israel is at the center of end times global events leading up to Armageddon and the Second Coming of Christ.
Tucker: Careful, there pastor. Trump won the election but he's not in office yet. Talking like that can get you targetted by the Biden Administration. They might raid your house and take your Bibles (Laughs). If you consider their constituents and everyone they have staffed government with, that is crazy talk. That is anti-government, anti-American crazy to them.
Pastor: (Laughs) I could care less about that crowd. But I do pray for them. I serve the one true God. That is Jesus.
Tucker: Did you hear about that recent discovery in Israel? The ancient mosaic with the words "Jesus is God" inscribed in ancient Greek.
Pastor: I did hear that. Exciting. It's just another sign that events from the Bible are taking place.
Tucker: How so?
Pastor: Well, Jesus said there would be signs in the heavens and signs across the earth that we are told to watch for, and to be ready.
Tucker: Ready for what?
Pastor: Ready for a lot of things. Mankind facing judgment. Jesus rescuing his people - we're talking about believers, born again believers in a real relationship with God - from the coming wrath.
Tucker: Are there any Bible verses that stand out to you?
Pastor: Luke 21:10 comes to mind as a good verse for what we are facing right now. Jesus said, "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines, pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven. But before all this, they will seize you and persecute you. They will hand you over to synagogues and put you in prison, and you will be brought before kings and governors, and all on account of my name."
Tucker: We see that in many nations today. Iran for example. Did you hear about the large conversion that has turned over a million former Muslims to Christ? That's wild. I never thought we'd see anything like that in Iran. Iran is one of the most anti-Christian nations on earth.
Pastor: Yes, we need to be praying for our brothers and sisters over there that have turned to Jesus, even at the threat of death. They face death, persecution, prison.
Tucker: That's also in China. North Korea. Nations in Africa. Bangladesh. Syria. Being a Christian can be a very dangerous thing in these countries.
Pastor: Even here in the U.S., I thought we were on a fast path to that should the far left Democrats have won the election. But, if God is using President Trump to stall or delay that -
Tucker: You think President Trump could be a delay tactic?
Pastor: Yes, yes. I think Donald Trump being re-elected was God showing mercy for his believers who have endured the horrors of the Biden Administration and its policies that are a 100% attack on our children, including over 85,000 missing migrant children suspected to have gone into sex trafficking. Right now many are on the streets of America being prostituted as we speak.
Tucker: That is sick. President Trump will put an immediate stop to that - direct the FBI to stop chasing the endless ghosts of January 6 and to start actually doing something useful.
Pastor: Thank God. That can't happen fast enough. But we need to be praying for our new President. He has too many enemies. And we also have to pray that he keeps his eyes on Jesus. God may have put him in the White House. But that doesn't stop the forces of Satan from coming after him. All of us as believers face a daily spiritual battle. We all get angry. We all are called to forgive others. We all face temptation.
Tucker: Jesus said, "Love your enemies, turn the other cheek."
Pastor: Yes, and that's not an easy road for Christians. Thankfully God knows we're not perfect - we all make mistakes - however as believers we are covered by the blood of Christ - and forgiven.
Tucker: But don't people take advantage of that?
Pastor: They do - and unfortunately many will face judgment should they not be grounded in the faith. It needs to be a real faith. A real love for God. A real love for Jesus. When you fall, when you get angry - pray. Repent. If you're tempted by lust - pray. Repent. If money and greed stands in the way of your faith - pray, pray. Repent. Stay on the narrow path. Romans chapter 1 should be a wake up call. Keep the faith. Revelation chapter 1, 2, and chapter 3.
Tucker: We need a lot of that. We have a serious problem with our culture.
Pastor: I heard the testimony of one believer, a very compelling testimony. A testimony he shared online. I think back in 2016. God told him that Donald Trump would be elected President but that the dogs of Hell would come against him.
Tucker: The dogs of Hell? Hillary Clinton? Russian collusion? Wow. The DOJ. The legacy media. The FBI.
Pastor: Everybody came after him. Two assassination attempts.
Tucker: But why Donald Trump? Why would God use Donald Trump?
Pastor: God uses flawed people. Throughout the Bible God has used flawed people. Even people who may not believe in him - yet. God is always at work. The Bible shows, and essentially tells us, that God works in mysterious ways. He also protects his people, goes to war for his people, frustrates the plans of his people's enemies.
Tucker: Like the Biden Administration and the Kamala Harris loss?
Pastor: Yes, they just got completely cleaned out. So much so that most of the Democrat party is shell shocked. Like, what just happened? I think the hand of God just came against them.
Tucker: They never stop lying. The American people finally saw through the lies. And now Donald Trump is building a dream team.
Pastor: Maybe they're convinced they're telling the truth. The Democrats. In 2 Thessalonians it's called a delusion... a massive end times delusion is prophecied and I believe we are experiencing that right now.
Tucker: There does seem to be a lot of that going around. And now the Republicans are the party of common sense.
Pastor: We need to be careful though - that could be part of the end times delusion as well. Common sense doesn't make a person right with God. Donald Trump building a dream team doesn't make the party right with God. Only faith in Jesus does. I'm afraid too many Conservative voters think they're just fine when in reality they are as far from God as the far left. They are still dead in their sins.
Tucker: The delusion warned about in 2 Thessalonians - let's look at that for a moment. Could that pertain to the UAPS and UFOS?
Pastor: Well, the timing is just about right, though the UAPS might just be drones. On the other hand, UFOS may definitely be part of that warning in 2 Thessalonians. Especially when so many believers are telling each other to be ready for the rapture.
Tucker: Are they? Is this what churches are talking about?
Pastor: Some of them. A lot of them. Some are post-tribulation believers, others, like myself, are pre-tribulation.
Tucker: The rapture? I've seen the Left Behind movies. Kirk Cameron. And the most recent one with Nicholas Cage. Pastors David Jeremiah, Greg Laurie - they are big on this.
Pastor: In the blink of an eye. Jesus said, "One will be taken, and one will be left."
Tucker: The UFOS - wow, could the UFOS be blamed if suddenly tens of millions of Christians across the planet suddenly vanished?
Pastor: I do not think the UFOS are real. Not for a second. But yes, they would likely be blamed. Just because you see a UFO doesn't mean it's actually there, in the sky. Online, where most of us get our news, people are also seeing AI deep fakes. The timing of all this - the recent congressional hearings - all the attacks on Israel - the UFOS, AI deep fakes - everything is pointing to something.
Tucker: Something?
Pastor: Something.